
After months of reverse engineering the Netmiko library we launched our open-source project: Mock’it

Why would you use Mock’it:

  • Lightweight way to simulate every network vendor
  • Simulate busy network device by using Login Retry & Login delay
  • A way to simulate slow network connection by using CMD delay
  • Template enginge to load your own show commands
  • Snmp simulation
  • Netconf simulation
  • ChatGPT integration for responding on every command or SNMP request
  • Scripting engine to define your own logic and flows
  • Build-in ORM to support configurations

Runs inside a container on Docker or Podman !

Why did we build Mock’it ?

We were searching for a way to test our Network Discovery solution in our CI/CD pipelines. Running Eve-ng or Container labs wat not optimal for this and therefor we decided to build something more lightweight. Since we support all Netmiko vendors inside Slurp’it we also needed a way to garantee that we could actually support them. Mock’it makes this possible but also helped to test scenario’s where we needed a form of delay to test our Time-out and Login retry features.

We made this project Open-Source because we believe other Network Developers out there should also benefit from this solution, and since we use open-source we also want to provide something back to the community.

OpenAI integration

This brings Device Simulation to a new level

Respond to unknown commands

Act like a real network device

Respond both on SSH & SNMP requests

Simulate NetCONF

Open port 830 and make use of the PyTest Netconf library from Adam of Nomios UK.

Build NetCONF templates per vendor

Simplify your NetConf automation tests

Open port 830 (or any other port)

Have chatGPT fill in the answer if there is no template

You create an automation script, but you want to simulate a device that either responds very slowly or requires you to retry logging in because it’s too busy.

Mock login retries

Mock a slow login

Mock slow command replies

Simulate configurations

Build your own script logic (add vlan, add interface)

Use the build-in SQLite Crud to read and store data

Slurp up your network today !

We integrated Mock’it in our sandboxes, therefor you can experience the power of it while trying out our Network Discovery solution. You can try it out be clicking on the button below which will forward you to our sandbox options.